Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Harvey Norris, Robert Harris, Wesley Keber & Burt Jones; staff members present were Marcie Seleb & Joyce Hosey.
Opening Prayer – – Mr. Norris opened the meeting with a prayer.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meetings – Mr. Harris made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the July 14, 2009 meeting and approve the same. This was seconded by Mr. Keber and approved unanimously.
Notice to Proceed for Riverview Sewer Extension – The Board approved a Notice to Proceed for Tom Davidson and Sons on the Riverview Sewer Extension effective August 31, 2009. The project should be finished by November 29, 2009.
Review Certificate of Deposit Rate Quotes – A set of certificates of deposit matured on August 8, 2009 with a combined total income of $142,540. Sewer Capital Recovery Fee – $6,630; Sewer Operations – $9,945; Water Capital Recovery Fee – $9,945; Water Operations – $33,149; SPLOST – $82,871.
Quotes on interest rates for new certificates were received from the following financial institutions: BB&T, McIntosh State Bank, and United Bank. McIntosh State Bank quoted the highest rates for each potential term limit. The decision was made to purchase certificates at McIntosh State Bank for a term of nine months at a rate of 1.93%. A chart showing these quotes is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Flovilla’s Plans for Wastewater – Mr. Norris addressed the Board in his position as Mayor of Flovilla regarding a planned wastewater system. The City intends to build a 1-million gallon per day plant with a collection system to serve all present water customers. Mr. Norris said that Flovilla has applied for grant and loan funding of $7-9 million from USDA Rural Development. The project is expected to be 75% grant/25% loan.
The City received a permit to discharge treated wastewater directly into Big Sandy Creek from the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) in 2007. Mayor Norris has directed his engineer to make inquiries into whether the discharge can be transferred from Big Sandy Creek to Plymale Creek, where the City already owns property. This would also avoid potential water supply conflicts with the property that the Authority owns on Big Sandy Creek.
Manager’s Report
Update on Patel Commercial Property – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that subsequent to the July meeting, Mr. Patel decided to cap off water lines to the Butts County line, not going into Lamar County until all of the Butts County property in the project has been developed.
In-house Construction Projects
Higgins Road – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that the crew has finished removing rock on the Higgins Road project and has only 800 lf of main left to install. She also said that an as-built drawing is needed. She has received a proposal for $8,000 from Ingram and Associates and will get another proposal for comparison.
West Ball Road – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that this project will require several easements. Ingram and Associates has proposed to engineer this project for $1.00 per lf. A motion was made by Mr. Keber to allow Ingram and Associates to pre-engineer at $1.00 per lf. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.
Operational Statistics – Ms. Seleb went over the water and sewer statistics for the month of July 2009. Water billing was up from the previous month at $241,219, with an active customer base of 5,183. Sewer billing for the month was down from the previous month at $26,007 with an active customer base of 126. Ms. Seleb noted that the increased water billing was due mainly to a forty-percent increase by the Georgia Diagnostic Prison due to problems with the prison’s storage tank.
The average daily water pumped to the combined distribution systems from the Ocmulgee and Stewart plants was 2.6 MGD, with maximum of 3.1 MGD. The rolling 12-month average loss is 13.7%. The total amount of water produced in July by plant was: Ocmulgee – 67 MG; Stewart – 6 MG. The average wastewater sprayed at the Bucksnort Ranch LAS was .159/.550 MGD with a maximum 7-day effluent of .273/.550 MGD.
A copy of these statistics is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Health Insurance Review – Ms. Seleb advised the Board that Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance premiums go up 6.5% on October 1, 2009. At the request of Burt Jones, Pennington Financial Group has provided an initial review of alternate pricing with potential savings of up 40%.
A copy of a comparison prepared by Pennington Financial Group is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Ms. Seleb recommended to the Board that she advertise for quotes and have staff fill out pre-screening forms to get firm pricing. She was directed to proceed with this plan.
Support the 2010 Census – The Board agreed to be a partner in the 2010 Census. Up to $3,000 is available to purchase products for the Authority to help promote Census participation locally. Mr. White signed a resolution supporting the 2010 Census.
A copy of this signed resolution is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Financial Report – Ms. Seleb went over the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations and SPLOST through July 2009. A copy of the financial summaries, as well as combined balance sheets and income statements are attached and made a part of these minutes.
Review Bills Paid – Board members reviewed check registers and credit card statements for the month of July 2009. A copy of the check registers is attached and made a part of these minutes.
Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Norris to adjourn meeting at 6:55 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Harris and approved unanimously.