Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Harvey Norris, Eddie Roberts, Jr. & Eddie Ford. Also present were Marcie Seleb, general manager, and Alyssa Hopson, clerk to the board.
Approval of Minutes from September 13, 2016 Meeting – Mr. Roberts made a motion to dispense with the reading of and to approve the minutes from the September 13, 2016 meeting. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.
Manager’s Report
Bucksnort Ranch Land Application System Harkness Pond Liner – Ms. Seleb reported that the Authority’s crew has completed installation of a swale around the perimeter of the Harkness holding pond to keep rain water from flowing under the liner.
West Butts Tank – Negotiations continue on liquidated damages.
Jackson Alive Sponsorship Request – The Butts County Chamber of Commerce asked for sponsors for the Fall Festival. Mr. Norris made a motion to make a $100 sponsorship donation. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously.
Trihalomethane Results – The results for September testing averaged 55.5 parts per billion (ppb), an excellent result for the warmest quarter of the year, and provided evidence that the aeration system is working well to reduce trihalomethanes.
Lead and Copper Results- Ms. Seleb reminded the board that thirty homes are tested for lead and copper every three years. All of the homes are located in Jackson because, back in the mid 1990’s when this testing began, Jackson had the only sites that met federal testing criteria. This criteria included lead service materials, recent use of lead solder on customer piping, or brass/copper fixtures.
Triennial test results have been received. The maximum 90th percentile result allowed for lead is 15 ppb. System results were 1.2 ppb. The maximum 90th percentile allowed for copper is 1300 ppb. System results were 190 ppb.
Hydrant Painting- The Authority’s crew has just completed painting every hydrant in the system. Daniel Sharpe was commended for his excellent work on this maintenance project.
Ready Pac- The preliminary cost estimate is $927,000 for a ground storage tank and $1,005,000 for an elevated storage tank. The Employment Incentive Program (EIP) Grant will only cover $500,000. Ms. Seleb is looking at options to reduce project scope and costs. A copy of the preliminary cost estimate is included and made part of these minutes.
UGA Assisting in Bromide Study- Ms. Seleb and the River Basis Center at the University of Georgia has offered to study bromide in Ocmulgee River water and will assist the Authority in applying for the $75,000 Georgia Seed Grant program for an extensive study.
Discolored Water- Ms. Seleb reported there was an incident of discolored water in the Georgia Hwy. 36 West area in mid September. The exact cause is not known.
Water and Sewer Statistics – Water and sewer pumping and billing numbers for the month of September 2016 were reviewed. The average daily finished water pumped in September to the Authority, Jackson and Jenkinsburg from Burford and Stewart plants was 2.5 million gallons per day, with a maximum of 3 million gallons per day. The rolling twelve-month average loss was 11.9% with the current month average loss of 3.6%. The total amount of finished water pumped in September by each plant was: Burford – 69 million gallons and Stewart – 5 million gallons.
Water billing for September 2016 was $298,496 up 8% from the previous month, and up 31% from September 2015. Sewer billing for September 2016 was $66, 031 up 16% from the previous month, and up 36% from September 2015.
Total water accounts numbered 5,481, with 4,989 active water customers. One water tap was purchased on the existing system, zero construction taps, and three new subdivision meters were sold during the month of September.
Financial Report – Ms. Seleb went over the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations, and Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for September 2016. Water operations income for September was $320,982 with expenses of $174,752. Water capital recovery fee revenue for the fiscal year thus far was $6,131, with interest expenses of $1,828 and debt service costs of $12,047 for the Sandy Creek loan.
Sewer Operations income for September was $72,519 with expenses of $16,859. Sewer Capital Recovery Fee revenue for the fiscal year thus far was $4,823 with no expenses. To date, $1,479,832 has been collected in 2013-19 SPLOST, with $471,278 expended.
Total cash on hand at the end of September 2016 was $8,983,606. This is $561,692 over the June 30, 2016 balance. Copies of the September 2016 financial summaries, combined fund balance sheets, and combined fund income statements are attached and made a part of these minutes.