Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Eddie Ford, Harvey Norris and Burt Jones. Also present was Marcie Seleb, general manager.
Opening Prayer – Harvey Norris offered an opening prayer to begin the meeting.
Approval of Minutes from March 20, 2018 Meeting – This item was tabled until later in the meeting when Eddie Roberts was expected to be present.
Review Modifications and Award Bid for Bucksnort Land Application System (LAS) Field Expansion – After discussions with representatives of the Legacy Water Group, Inc., the low bidder on the project, it was determined that the price on the field expansion contract can be reduced by $57,630.29 by reconfiguring pipe fittings and installing the two-inch laterals above ground. Ms. Seleb also noted that the Authority can reduce costs by an additional estimated $25,000 through using a different style post to support field spray heads. A motion was made by Mr. Norris to award the contract for field expansion to the Legacy Water Group, Inc. In the amount of $1,213,481.32, and to immediately approve Change Order No. 1, which will reduce the overall contract price by $57,630.29. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and passed unanimously.
Request for Water Extension on Midway Road – This item was tabled because the written request from Liberty Property Limited Partnership was not received in time for the meeting.
Request to Move Hydrant – Michael and Diane Barrett of 177 Wilson Circle have requested that a fire hydrant be moved from its current easement on their property to the edge of the roadway of Wilson Circle. The road was realigned from its original route after the water main was installed. A motion was made by Mr. Ford to move the hydrant at no cost to the Barrett’s. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and passed unanimously.
Medora BeeKeeper Program – Ms. Seleb reported that the warranty for the Medora aeration and mixing system at the Highway 36 ground storage tank is set to expire in May. She stated that the Medora Corporation, located in North Dakota, offers a maintenance program known as the “BeeKeeper” that provides for annual on-site maintenance, upgrades, and universal damage repair for this specialized equipment. Ms. Seleb noted that the lowest cost option for this program is to pay up front for a three-year term. This would cost $25,123 and is at least $1,323 less than annual payment options.
A motion was made by Mr. Norris to enter into the three-year maintenance program. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously. The BeeKeeper service quote and scope of services are attached and made a part of these minutes.
Eddie Roberts joined the meeting.
Backflow Prevention Policy – Ms. Seleb presented a cross-connection control policy document for the Board’s consideration. The policy requires that commercial, industrial, and institutional customers have appropriate backflow devices immediately downstream of their water meter. Those devices must be tested yearly with documentation provided to the Authority. All new residential customers will continue to be required to have a dual check backflow prevention device, and existing residential customers without backflow prevention devices will be required to add a device when any work is done on their service connection. A motion was made by Mr. Jones to approve the policy. This was seconded by Mr. Roberts and approved unanimously.
Approval of Minutes from March 20 2018 Meeting – A motion was made by Mr. Roberts to approve the minutes of the March meeting as written. This was seconded by Mr. Jones and passed unanimously.
Manager’s Report
Update on Consolidation Charter Committee – Mr. Norris gave an update on the most recent charter committee meeting, noting that various department heads are to be interviewed, and a consultant is to be hired.
Meeting Recordings – Ms. Seleb requested clarification as to the Board’s wishes for sound recordings of meetings. After discussion, it was agreed that under normal circumstances, recordings will only be kept until minutes of meetings are approved, but that with the direction of the Board, recordings of some meetings may need to be kept indefinitely.
Upcoming Meetings – Ms. Seleb reminded Board members of a called meeting to be held on April 24, 2018 at 2 p.m. The team from the University of Central Florida will present their findings on the systemwide water quality study. She also reminded Board members about the joint local government meeting to be held of April 26, 2018 at Jackson High School.
Gold Awards Ms. Seleb reported that both the Burford Water Treatment Plant and the Stewart Water Treatment Plant had qualified for the Georgia Association of Water Professionals’ Gold Award for complete compliance with all permit requirements in 2017.
Sanitary Survey – Ms. Seleb reported that staff is preparing for the April 24-25 triennial sanitary survey of the water system by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division.
Operations Statistics – Ms. Seleb reviewed water production, water loss and customer statistics for March. The average daily finished water pumped to the Authority, Jackson and Jenkinsburg from Burford and Stewart plants was 2.1 million gallons per day, with a maximum of 2.4 million gallons per day. The rolling twelve-month average loss was 10.9% with the current monthly average loss at 18.0%. The total amount of finished water pumped in March by each plant was: Burford – 58 million gallons and Stewart – 6 million gallons.
For the fiscal year thus far, overall water gallons sold has dropped by 11% for the same period in the previous year. Gallons sold to the Georgia Diagnostic Prison have dropped by 56%.
Water billing for March was $207,172, up .3% from the previous month and up 9% the same month for the previous year. Sewer billing for March was $54,173, down 5% from the previous month and down 7% from the previous year.
Total water accounts numbered 5,582 at the end of March with 5,114 active water customers. Four new water taps were purchased on the existing system. Two subdivision meters were purchased during the month.
There were 178 total sewer accounts at the end of March, with 178 of those being active customers. Two new sewer connections were purchased during the month.
Financial Report – Ms. Seleb reviewed the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations, Capital Recovery Fees, and Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) for March 2018. Water operations income for March was $242,386 with $231,101 in expenses. Water capital recovery fee revenue for Fiscal Year 2018 thus far was $38,044 with an outflow of $59,976 for payment of the Sandy Creek Loan.
Sewer Operations income for March was $56,480 with expenses of $20,655. Sewer Capital Recovery Fee revenue for the fiscal year thus far was $110,100 with $0 in expenses. To date, $2,205,709 has been collected in 2013-19 SPLOST and interest, with $ 1,179,530 expended.
Total cash on hand at the end of March was $10,222,871. This is $179,822 over the June 30, 2017 balance. Copies of the March 2018 financial summaries, the consolidated fund balance sheet, and the consolidated fund income statement are attached and made a part of these minutes. Also attached is a copy of the monthly check register.
Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Roberts to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Jones and approved unanimously.