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April 12, 2022 Regular Board Meeting

Posted on: May 25th, 2022

Call to Order – Chairman White called the meeting to order at 5:25 p.m. Board members present were J. B. White, Eddie Ford, Eddie Roberts, and Harvey Norris. Also present was Kim Kaumeyer representing Rindt Engineering. Staff members present were Alyssa Hopson, general manager, and Amber Eason, clerk to the board.

Approval of Minutes from March 15, 2022 Meeting – Mr. Roberts made a motion to dispense with the reading of, and to adopt the minutes from the March 15, 2022 meeting, with the job titles for Ms. Alyssa Hopson and Ms. Sandra Daniel being corrected by Ms. Eason and the minutes reprinted. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously.

Sewer Expansion Discussion- Rindt Engineering Firm- Kim Kaumeyer discussed potential sewer expansion possibilities at the Bucksnort Land Application System (LAS). Mr. Kaumeyer advised the Board that a comprehensive evaluation of the wastewater delivery system, the current loading and flows, and limits will have to be performed at the Bucksnort LAS to determined how much sewer capacity is needed for future growth. No action was taken. Mr. Kaumeyer excused himself from the meeting at 5:44pm.

Request for Sewer in Lamar County- Hospitality Financial Group- Ms. Hopson presented a site plan from Hospitality Financial Group (HFG). The site plan displayed three distribution warehouses located entirely in Lamar County. According to the Authority’s policy, which was passed on February 13, 2018, states that the Authority would service properties located within multiple counties only if at least sixty percent is within Butts County. Therefore, HFG’s Development does not quality for services. Mr. Roberts made a motion to deny their request for sewer. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.

Manager’s Report

Harkness Road- Ms. Hopson reported construction is scheduled to begin in the upcoming weeks.

Dukes Road- Ms. Hopson reported that Distribution Superindent Paul Martin assessed Dukes Road to determine the best solution for construction. Because of the location of the current water meters along State Route Highway 36 East; Mr. Martin would like to make the tie-in from an adjoining property on Elizabeth Circle. Ms. Hopson was advised to contact the property owner for an easement.

Water Plant Operator Job Opening- Ms. Hopson reported there has not been a lot of interest shown for the water plant operator position. After reviewing several applications, the Board advised Ms. Hopson to schedule two interviews with Mr. Roberts in attendance, and to also post the job on the Indeed website.

Operations Statistics – Ms. Hopson went over the water production, water loss and customer statistics for March. The average daily finished water pumped to the Authority, Jackson and Jenkinsburg from Burford and Stewart plant was 2.32 million gallons per day, with a maximum of 2.78 million gallons per day. The rolling twelve-month average loss of 22% with the current monthly average at 14%. The total amount of finished water pumped in March by each plant was: Burford 67 million gallons and Stewart 5 million gallons.

Water billing for March was $249,187 down 4% from the previous month, up 98% over a rolling 12-month total, and up 9% the same month for the previous year. Sewer billing for March was $48,577, down
-3% from the previous month, up 13% over a rolling 12-month total, and down 8 % from the previous year.

Total water accounts numbered 6,887 at the end of March with 5,549 of those being active customers. There were 10 new connections sold. There were 228 total sewer accounts at the end of March, with 198 of the being active customers.

Financial Report – Ms. Hopson reviewed the financial summary for Water & Sewer Operations and Capital Recovery Fees for March 2022 and Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) through March 31, 2022.

Water Operations income for March was $282,258 with $206,728 in expenses. Water capital recovery fee revenue for Fiscal Year 2022 thus far was $53,705 with $0 in expenses.

Sewer Operations income for March was $50,711 with expenses of $34,261 Sewer Capital Recovery Fee revenue for Fiscal Year 2022 thus far was $60,508 with $0 in expenses.

For the 2019-24 SPLOST, $1,439,678 has been collected. A SPLOST payment of $81,631.50 was received on April 7, 2022 . Overages in the 2019-24 SPLOST are being covered by temporary transfers from the Water Operations fund.

Total cash on hand at the end of March was $12,042,770. Copies of the March 2022 financial summaries, the consolidated fund balance sheet and the consolidated fund income statement are attached and made a part of these minutes.

Executive Session Begin – Motion by Mr. Norris to adjourn into Executive Session to discuss Personnel, seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously.

Executive Session End – Motion by Mr. Roberts to return to the regular meeting, seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.

Management Salary – A motion was made by Mr. Roberts to adjust the salary of Ms. Alyssa Hopson and Ms. Sandra Daniel to reflect their new positions as General Manager and Office Manager. This was seconded by Mr. Norris and approved unanimously.

Adjourn – A motion was made by Mr. Norris to adjourn the meeting at 6:49p.m. This was seconded by Mr. Ford and approved unanimously.